Stefne's Success Story!
Stefne came to us feeling hopeless. She was 81 years old, living alone and dealing with the embarrassing symptoms of excessive gas and diarrhea which were negatively affecting her quality of life and social life. She explained that hadn’t had friends in 30 years and that people would tease and harass her due to her excessive gas (flatulence) problems. She felt hopeless and stuck having to deal with these horrible symptoms for the rest of her life.
We started working with Stefne in December 2022 and she was relieved to not only have a strategy to address root causes of her symptoms but constant support through the healing process. She didn’t feel alone with this problem anymore.
She received multiple lab tests delivered to the privacy of her own home which helped her find out the exact gut infections and pathogenic overgrowth causing her symptoms.
After following a system that worked best for her, Stefne’s excessive gas (flatulence) completely disappeared and she now has regular bowel movements.
Stefne left us a review on Better Business Bureau
Don’t wait until you’re 81, feeling alone, trapped and hopeless like Stefne. Find out what’s causing your unique symptoms and start addressing root causes by clicking ⬇️