Connie Struggled With A Mix Of Diarrhea And Constipation For Decades
3 years ago, Connie, a successful pharmacist, wife and mother, came to us struggling with the vicious cycle of IBS-M. She would have Constipation for 2 days, then unpredictable urgency and diarrhea for a whole day. She had Abdominal Cramping - sometimes lasting 3, 4, 5 hours on ‘bad days’. She tried to fix these symptoms- she cut out gluten etc. - Yet Nothing Worked Longterm.
IBS-M negatively affected her profession as a pharmacist. She had battled these symptoms for 25-30 years and wanted her life back.
She came to work with us 3 years ago, determined to get her life back. After 8 weeks, her symptoms were gone!
NOW, 3 years later, Connie is traveling, working her job at a pharmacy and enjoying her life!
A huge thing for her was our work with the gut-brain connection. She said that that was the one thing that completely changed her life. She knew her emotions played a part in causing her IBS but didn’t know why or how she should work through them.
She’ll never be the same again. Her life has been changed forever and the weight off of her shoulders is unreal! She no longer feels like a burden to her family AND, most importantly, she can give her son the life she has always wanted for him now that she has her health and life back!
If you can relate with Connie and are SICK and TIRED of feeling out of control in your health due to IBS or IBD symptoms, watch our free training.
Find out what’s causing your unique symptoms and start addressing root causes by clicking link
Watch our Free Training to learn how we help people with IBS, IBS-D, IBS-C, IBD, Bloating, Constipation, Ulcerative Colitis, SIBO get to the root causes of their symptoms and get their lives back ⬇️